Dimensions renew their lease at Lansdowne Court Business Centre
Dimensions have recently renewed their lease at suites 1,2 and 3 Lansdowne Business Centre, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6RZ.
They are a company with 7000 colleagues who are ambitious in supporting people with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs, helping them to lead an ordinary life in their local communities. Their biggest aim is to continue to prove that life can really get better. They saw the Business Centre as the ideal location to give Dimensions South West room to expand their growing business. They are current tenants with us at Lansdowne Court and have decided to take on the opportunity of renewing their lease for a further 12-months.
Becca Newton, the Locality Manager explained “We have leased offices from Country Estates for a while now and it is nice to be able to have office space where wheelchair users and people that have limited mobility can access. We can also hire the meeting room for when we have bigger meetings so it is able to accommodate our requirements.”
At present, there is availability at Lansdowne Business Centre with suites ranging from 134 sq ft to 200 sq ft. Although fully let at present, the wider grounds of Lansdowne Court also provide small businesses with the opportunity to expand when larger units become available. For more information visit https://www.countryestates.co.uk/managed-offices/lansdowne-business-centre/ or call 01249 463277 or email sales@countryestates.co.uk.